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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Drink Coffee

More Reasons Why You Should Drink Coffee
Executive Summary about Drink Coffe By Jeffery Dodd

coffee drinksDrink Coffee. Coffee drinkers of all race and color have appreciated the taste and aroma of coffee that are distinctive from any other drinks. Serve it hot or drink it icy cold, coffee is just the best. Besides its addicting taste and aroma, though, there still are many other reasons why you should continue drinking coffee.

Here are a few of the benefits and advantages of coffee:

1. Excellent source of anti-oxidant. Antioxidant helps the body in fighting and absorbing free radicals the body produces. These free radicals are identified as culprits that cause cell damage which results in sagging of skin, wrinkles and ultimately aging. Coffee slows down aging. Certain properties of coffee are believed to help control the cell damage which leads to the development of certain diseases.

2. Good for the cardiovascular system. Experts agree that coffee contain properties that are good for the heart and its arteries. It also helps improve the circulation of blood within the person's heart.

3. An alternative headache and asthma reliever. People who consume enough amount of
drinking coffee caffeine are known to reduce risks of possible asthma attacks because the caffeine is believed to be a good pain buster.

4. Promotes healthy liver. Aside from reducing the risk of several serious cardiovascular illnesses, coffee is believed to bring about healthy benefits to the liver especially those who have cirrhosis and gallstones.

5. Controls sugar levels among diabetics. Coffee is known to be a good source of "chlorogenic acid," that are proven to reduce large amounts of glucose concentrations in the blood.

6. It can boost to athleticism. As a health drink, drinking coffee can be a good way to boost one's athleticism because of its high caffeine content.

Remember though not to drink too much coffee. Almost all drinks, including coffee, can only be beneficial when drunk in moderation.

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